In this Dota 2 Centaur Warchief guide, I will be focused Bradwarden’s strengths, gearing him towards a full end-game tank-build which I believe best serves his role in the game.
Centaur Warchief Pros & Cons
[+] Perhaps the naturally best tanker in Dota 2[+] Ultimate which complements his tanking abilities perfectly
[+] Good stuns and nukes
[+] Besides tanking, can also semi-carry
[+] With Return, he can jungle farm like a boss.
[-] Melee attack
[-] Stun can be hard to place without getting a Dagger
[-] Lacks an escape skill (hence get Dagger fast!)
Centaur Warchief/Bradwarden Abilities
[F] Hoof Stomp
Slams the ground with his hoof, stunning and damaging nearby land based enemies.
Radius: 315
Stun Duration: 2/2.25/2.5/2.75
Damage: 100/150/200/250
Notes :- Your most used skill, its AoE radius has been nerfed through the years in the original DOTA so I would recommend getting a Dagger to increase your chances of pulling it off successfully every single time.
[D] Double Edge
The Centaur summons a great amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only be done at melee range, and it damages both the Warchief and ministuns the enemy.Range: 150
Damage: 175/250/325/400
I love this spell because it turns Centaur Warchief into an unlikely damage machine. 400 damage cannot be taken lightly in the early game. It also functions a mini-stun, so don’t hesitate to use it to stop channeling spells or enemies trying to teleport away when your Hoof Stomp is on cooldown.
[E] Return
The Centaur Warchief counters every attack immediately against him with a swift strike.Countered Damage: 16/18/20/22 + 26%/34%/42%/50%
A great pushing and farming skill, this is a free but weaker version of Blademail. It does negligable damage to heroes though, therefore it shouldn’t be prioritised over your other 2 spells above.
[R] Great Fortitude
The Centaur Warchief’s mammoth body is capable of absorbing great amounts of damage.Increase to Strength: 15/30/45
Boring skill but it is what makes Bradwarden such a tanky hero.
Centaur Warchief Skill Build
1 -Hoof Stomp2- Double Edge
3- Double Edge
4- Hoof Stomp
5- Double Edge
6- Great Fortitude
7- Double Edge
8- Hoof Stomp
9- Hoof Stomp
10- Return
11- Great Fortitude
12- Return
13- Return
14- Return
15- Stats
16- Great Fortitude
17-25 Stats
Hoof Stomp is taken as your first skill to save your ass and perhaps contribute to a First Blood. However at levels 2 and 3 Double Edge is prioritised, reason being that DE doesn’t cost an myna while your Stun mana cost increase in each level. In other words, the 0.5 increase in stun duration is minor, considering you pay an extra 20 mana cost. I personally prefer the extra damage a level 2 Double Edge grants here. However, if you have another stunner as a partner, you may go for a Hoof Stomp -> Double Edge -> Hoof Stomp sequence instead.
Bradwarden the Centaur Warchief’s Item Build
Core Items

Magic Wand :- Because Double Edge will oftentimes leave you with little to no health, this item will prove its usefulness time and again with the burst heal it grants every time you activate it.

Hood of Defiance :- Double Edge deals magical damage hence Hood of Defiance is a good item to get to reduce the impact it does to you. Because of your naturally high Strength gain, this will increase your effective HP and your chances of survival since you will always be expected to be the first one in during team battles.
Blink Dagger :- An essential purchase for Bradwarden due to Hoof Stomp’s small radius. This will enable you to chase up to enemy heroes and lay the smack down on them before they know what hit them.
Blademail :- 5 seconds of invulnerability, a really fast cooldown and one of the best counters to AoE spells make this just plain overpowered for Centaur. Your high HP with this item will allow you to spam your first 2 spells non-stop, making you a pain in the ass your opponents will struggle to deal with. The mana and armor it gives is also important to a tanky Strength hero like Cent.
Luxury Items

Heart of Tarrasque :- With this you will be virtually unkillable on the battlefield. The additional DPS you gain is icing on the cake.
Boots of Travel :- Get it only when your team has the upper hand and you want to keep the pressure on the enemy.
Radiance :- Since you are always in the center of the battlefield, this item will ensure you deal maximum passive damage. Your tanky stats will ensure you draw attention away from your teammates and survive the focus fire you will eventually get from the opposite team.
Assault Curaiss :- This will increase your tanking ability, boost your team’s survivability and DPS as well due to the increased attack speed it gives.
How To Play Bradwarden the Centaur Warchief Properly
Early Game
Try to pick a dual lane as his solo capabilities are poor at the start. You will preferably want a teammate who can slow or stun to ensure that you can close the gap for a HoofStomp/Double Edge combo. Focus on getting as many last hits as you can as you will want the fast cash to get a quick Dagger, preferably by level 6.
Don’t be afraid to play aggressively due to your HP gain. Also, contrary to popular belief, he should not be jungling in the early game because the early points invested in Return means that he will be a liability later on since he won’t have Hoof Stomp and Double Edge maxed out. The key here is to think long term.
Mid Game
Once you have your Dagger, it’s ganking time!
Make sure to get those Scrolls of Teleport to get yourself to key areas of the map in time. Blink in and stun, hit them 2-3 times before snagging the kill with Double Edge. With teammates backing you up, you should have no problems getting the kills in the early game.
Late Game
Your role in the late game remains unchanged. Blink in and initiate the fight, with Radiance and other damage dealing items you should be able to deal massive amounts of damage before dying. Just do your job and pick out the opponent’s key heroes first, either the Carry or rival Initiator.
To learn more about the Dota 2, I advise you to take a look at this guide, it certainly helped me take my skills to the next level.
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