Gyrocopter Item Build
Dota Hero Item Build Gyrocopter (Aurel Vlaicu)
Gyrocopter Hero StatisticName: Aurel Vlaicu
Affiliation: AGI Sentinel 1
Strength: 18 + 1.8
Agility: 24 + 2.8
Intelligence: 23 + 2.1
HP: 492
HP Regen: 0.79
Mana: 299
Mana Regen: 0.93
Damage: 41 - 51
Armor: 4
Attack Range: 375
Attack Speed: 0.73
Move Speed: 315
Attack Animation: 0.2 / 0.97
Missile Speed: 3000 Range/second
Skill Build for Gyrocopter
1. Homing Missile
2. Flak Cannon
3. Homing Missile
4. Rocket Barrage
5. Homing Missile
6. Call Down
7. Homing Missile
8. Rocket Barrage
9. Rocket Barrage
10. Rocket Barrage
11. Call Down
11. Call Down
12. Flak Cannon
13. Flak Cannon
14. Flak Cannon
15. Stats
16. Call Down
17-25. Stats
Early Game Item Build

Empty Bottle
Boots of Speed
You are a hero who has the potential Ganking so requires Empty Bottle item that serves to increase HP and Mana to use the skills that you have. Additionally, Empty Bottle can be also be filled with PU to be used at the right time. Boots of Speed adds movement speed so makes you easy to move in Lane.
Middle Game Item Build

Power Threads
Aghanim’s Scepter
Power Threads has function to increase Attack Speed so offensive that you would do a lot more. This item also adds Movement Speed so makes easy to move in Lane. Aghanim's Scepter is a very important item for you because these items can be improve your skill.
Late Game Item Build

Manta Style
Kelen’s Dagger
Manta Style serves to increase Attack Speed so your attacks will be more. In addition, these items able to add 2 illusions capable of hit the enemy so enemy would quickly die. You need Kelen's Dagger to approach the enemy so you can be attack him freely.
Luxury Item Build
