Timbersaw, Dota 2 Guide and preview. Timbersaw (also known as Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder in Dota) is a strength melee hero from Radiant added in Dota 2 13 December patch update. Timbersaw is a semi-carry hero with great tanking and nuking abilities, he relies on trees to chase and own enemy heroes. Like Slark, he’s a ganking hero who needs to dominate early/mid game. All of Timbersaw active skills deal pure damage which allows him to kill hero in a combo.
Timbersaw Abilities:
1. Whirling Death (Hotkey: D)

Damage: 100/150/200/2502. Timberchain (Hotkey: T)
Ability: No Target
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Primary Stat Reduction: 15%
Area of Effect: 300
Cooldown: 8
Mana cost per level: 70/80/90/100

Range: 800/1000/1200/14003. Reactive Armor (Passive)
Damage: 100/140/180/220
Damage radius: 225
Cooldown: 4
Damage Type: Pure
Affects: Trees
Mana Cost Per Level: 60/70/80/90

Stack Limit: 4/8/12/164. Chakram (Hotkey: C)
Stack Bonus Armor: 1
Target: Self
Ability: Passive
Stack Bonus Health Regeneration: 1 HP/sec

Passthrough Damage: 100/140/180
Damage per Second: 50/75/100
Affects: Enemies
Cooldown 8
Mana Cost Per Level: 125/150/175
Range: 1200
Mana cost per Second: 20/25/30
Damage Type: Pure
Return Chakram sub-ability brings you back the Chakram.
Timbersaw Spell Build:
Level 1-5: Timberchain (Level 3) & Reactive Armor (Level 2)Level 6: Ultimate – Chakram
Level 6-14: Max Whirling Death, Max Timberchain, Max Reactive Armor and take Level 2 Ultimate.
Level 15-25: Attribute Bonuses and take Level 3 Ultimate.
Timbersaw Item Build
Recommended Items:- Bloodstone
- Shivas Guard
- Pipe of Insight
- Vanguard
- Arcane Boots
- Scythe of Vyse
- Heart of Tarassque
Timbersaw Strategy Guide:
Early Game:Ideally you’ll lane short so you have access to lots of trees and room to chase. you’ll also preferably solo, for a few reasons:
• Timbersaw’s mobility and low-cd spells make him a competent killer from the beginning, and even more so with the extra levels
• His spells themselves don’t do all that much damage individually, and their effectiveness at exploding people peaks early
• He can easily survive vs. a dual lane
• He doesn’t need that much farm, so it’s not a problem if his last-hitting is limited (and he can quickly catch up on farm with ult + whirling death spam)
Soloing a side lane:
Do your last-hitting thing for a few levels. if you’re against another solo, try driving him off, especially if he’s melee. if you’re against a dual, you’ll probably have to play more defensively, but unless they’re going to kill you the moment you poke your head in, you can spam chain to last hit + harass like you would with e.g. powershot or something. soften up your opponents and go for a kill or double kill at 6, if you can.
In a dual lane:
You should play very aggressively vs. a solo. how you handle an opposing dual lane obviously depends on who your lane-mate is, and who you’re facing. one thing to keep in mind is, if you’re going for a killing timber chain and sense that either your target or his partner is about to stun you, wait and take the stun before chaining, so it’s not interrupted. note: when pulling, you can afford to use timber chain to finish off the more valuable of the non-golem creeps if you’re bad at last-hitting or if your lane opponents come to take them.
Kill noobs. from fog, place chakram right behind an enemy hero, just touching them, then immediately chain in over them in their path of retreat. you can cast whirling death mid-chain, as soon as you’re near enough your opponent and at least one tree (if they’re by one). be sure to retract your chakram just before they’re out of its aoe, when they start to run away, so you get them with the retract damage (you can also put them between yourself and the blade to hit them with it on its return). then right click them once or twice and repeat some variation of your combo until they’re dead. obviously this is all much easier with ally help.
When playing Timbersaw, the only terrain you should see is trees. you should be looking ahead for trees whenever you’re chasing, escaping, or even just traveling. when chasing, don’t chain too far ahead of your opponent or you risk giving him a chance to change direction.
During an escape, chain over cliffs to get away, or buy time by chaining into areas that are inaccessible without destroying trees, like the area behind the ancients from the right side of the river. from there you can clear a path with your other two spells and run away, or chain over to a tree on the other side of the river, or just teleport out.
Other notable trees include those around the base cliffs, the jungle cliffs, the gap between the sentinel ancients and secret shop path, and the gap between the scourge mid and secret shop, as well as the lone tiny tree in the water by Roshan. remember to target a specific tree rather than a direction, so your hero will approach it first if you’re not near enough.
Timbersaw is absurdly good at clearing waves of creeps (gather them around you, cover with chakram, cast whirling death, collect chakram), and at tanking towers and roshan. Also be sure to use chakram for vision, such as of roshan or of the enemy barracks during a push.
Late Game:
You’re not doing as much damage anymore, comparatively. your main role now is slowing down enemies for your allies, using chakram and whatever items you may have farmed (and keeping on them with timber chain to do it). the 15% base attribute reduction part of whirling death is by this point very effective at weakening carries.